Monday, 18 October 2010

Iterations to 15 min game

We have been looking at what exactly iterations are but also making iterations to our games we made in the first week during a '15 minute game' exercise
My game is a basic race to the end game where the player rolls two dice and chooses which to use to help them selves move forward and which to hinder the opponent by blasting them in a random direction, this direction was dictated by a six sided dice with two sides saying left, two saying right, one backwards and one forwards (so theres a chance that you will accidentally help someone).

The first problem that was very apparent was the track. it was straight and then a 90 degree turn to the left then straight again to the end, the problem was that whoever got blasted left the most one and this was not meant to help them.
I changed it so that where the original track ended there was a right turn and then straight to the end, so on the off chance someone stayed in the middle then they would win and racing up the edges would be equally slow.
After testing this I found it did help alot.

My game still had alot of problems that I was itching to tweak though, especially the dice that decided what direction the 'attacks' sent you in, when i saw people play it without my help there was much debate if forward, right, back and left was always the same like north, east, south and west or if it was relative to the way your car was facing.
I had the thought of using a 4 sided dice and reincorporating a compass on the track with the relative numbers to show which direction the car should move in.
This seemed to help a lot but a new problem arised... what happens when the car hits the side of the track?

I had an idea for the care to move backwards one space for every space that it should move off the track, for example if i was two spaces away from the right wall and got hit for five right then i would move two spaces to the wall and then backwards three.

I didn't  have enough time to play test this iteration because of helping others with there problems but I found that did help alot in thinking outside the box. The simplest changes can change the way you play the game for the better or  worse but when the game was formed in your imagination its hard to see what really needs to be changed, a fresh set of minds helping you and playing the game through does help so much.

1 comment:

  1. Good entry, i think you have shown here how quickly you can iterate and why you need to keep playing games rather than 'imagining' how they will play. Obviously as you get more experienced at this you will be able to make intellegent guesses.

