Thursday, 5 May 2011

'I think everybody here will agree...'

First of all, anyone who starts a sentence with those words should be automatically ignored as they obviously have no basis for their argument and they are trying to cheaply get other on their side and to make you think they have others who think the same as them... that's just the beginning to this rant

'I think everybody here will agree there is far too much violence in computer games.'

This statement was said during a question and answer section after a lecture about original ideas, by Mike Banbury (speaking on behalf of Sony about the creative process and sharing some of their successes and failures), in which we talked about where ideas came from and how to come up with fun, original ideas, for whatever purpose. We were also shown a video with lots of examples of what original titles Playstation have been working on, far too many to mention but only 2 were violent at all and as one was a fighting game then that quite the standard really. I'm sure the old man who took his time to state this massive over-exaggeration to Mike Banbury had no problem with boxing, a sport that gives many HUMANS lasting brain damage and can lead to death through its encouraged violence.

What annoyed me the most is that the guy had obviously never played a computer game before, this is unfortunately based on my pre-judging him based on his age and looks and the shear passion he said this comment with, as if violence in computer games had become an epidemic where each game is competing to be more violent than the last.
If he had played any computer games before then he must have seen Asteroids or Pacman, both of which contained violence unto the player in a way for the computer to win against you. defines the word violence as this...


Pronunciation: ˈvʌɪəl(ə)ns'


[mass noun]
  • 1 behaviour involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something:violence erupted in protest marches, domestic violence against women, the fear of physical violence, screen violence
  • Law: the unlawful exercise of physical force or intimidation by the exhibition of such force.
  • 2 strength of emotion or of a destructive natural force:the violence of her own feelings

That basically sums up what violence is, a force caused by one person to injure another.
So violence is computer games is every time your character purposefully hurts another 'liveing' thing in the game world or even when the character is hurt in anyway by anything. I say 'liveing' because nothing in the game world is really alive is it? it will always just be programming you can turn on and off with the flick of a switch, and although you can be violent with inanimate objects, I dont think there will be many complaints about the violent acts done to a punching bag or a table for that matter, just some random examples of things you can be violent to but without evokeing an emotion responce

so violence, apparently pronounced ˈvʌɪəl(ə)ns', in computer games is believed to be a problem and as i try to think of innocent games that don't have any violence, like every puzzle games, or game aimed at people under 12. I notice there is quite a lot of violence in Super Mario games, I'm sure the old man who posed the original statement had let his kids play Mario and even Grandkids.But you do squash a lot of random creatures and even after killing turtles, you can kick around their empty shells and even throw it at identical looking people who if they are not related, must have defiantly known each other and bonded slightly over this fact. that's quite sick, your last sight in life is the corpse of your friend being launched at you.
The original Digimon virtual pets were by far the worst... a 20th century reboot of the old English cock-fighting brand.
Kids are encouraged to train their new laid egg from its very birth until the day it dies, to be stronger than the competition and to regularly find people with one which you can then let them fight, usually ending in the death of one.

1 comment:

  1. That guy was clearly an expert, and I'm an expert on experts
