Thursday 5 May 2011

its not illegal to smoke

Sitting here working away, allowed to drink as much alcohol but if i want to smoke a cigarette i need to ride a lift down 7 floors, go through 5 doors, 2 of which are security protected doors.
I personally believe cigarettes should be illegal, if we didn't have it we wouldn't miss it and seeing as it takes up more of my time and money than anything else i do every single day and seeing as how addictive and dangerous to every ones health it is, it should have been made illegal for the good of the public years ago, voting might have helped the situation of banning something that so many people in the country would miss, no doubt there are more people who feel this way and also smoke and enjoy it for the most part.
I could try and quit again, have a few terrible weeks of anger and frustration then the disappointment when i go to buy a pack of smokes and continue back to how I was before.

If of course tobacco is never going to be made illegal then of course I should be able to smoke in the place I pay money to live, its absurd that the aren't smokeing clubs, bars, hotels, or accommodation. If people didnt want the smoke from a flat to go anywhere someone with health problems or just don't want smoke in their flat then surely having a vent would allow all the smoke and toxins to leave the building.

Even at the pub playing pool I can stand two foot away from the table, just outside the door smokeing until it is my go, putting the cigerette somewhere safe, taking my shots and then going back to finish the cigerette outside where it isn't an legal offence . This is ridiculous as the smoke always ends up in the pub and its only down to me being curtious that i dont blow the smoke directly through the doorway.

At university and at pubs without smokeing areas, everyone huddles just outside the door, forcing people entering or leaving to walk through a field of smoke which every doctor will tell you to avoid as much as possible.

Things could be done to help smokers if they wanted to try hard enough and things could be done by the government to ensure no further generations will have to suffer the addiction and health problems caused by modern tobacco but of course the government just want their ever increasing taxes from tobacco and alcohol even if it means costing peoples lives.
Healthier substitutes are available but also there is the option of totally getting rid of the need for addictions in this world, surely we should be happy with who we are, we are humans, evolved for year to produce things of beauty and to even benefit the whole planet we live on but we still can't shake the need for a crafty fag when you are stressed or getting wasted in times of depression or elation.

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